Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Season...

I was looking through an old journal this week and came across the following.  It was written way back when (you know, before our son was home with us and I had free time to sit and write) but somehow didn't make the blog at the time.  I felt the need to share it now.

Psalm 1:1-3
  Blessed is the one
      who does not walk in step with the wicked
Or stand in the way that sinners take
    Or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the LORD,
  and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
  which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither -
whatever they do prospers.

In all the times I have read this Psalm, even memorized parts of it, there was one phrase that escaped me until now.  "That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in season".  Did you catch that? YIELDS FRUIT IN SEASON".  I had to stop and pause here, to think this through.
If I am delighting with the Lord, then my fruit, my prosperity, my everything will happen in season.  It makes me think of the fruit you buy at the grocery store that is out of season, but you want it anyway.  It may be ripe, it may be pretty to look at, but it is never as good, never as sweet as the fruit picked in season.  Everything has a season, even my life.  If I continually try to force things to happen, they just might - but they will not be as sweet as if I had let them happen in season.

At the time I wrote this my heart was on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in Seoul, South Korea.  I knew that in the future he would be coming home, but I didn't know when.  I was so anxious, so ready for it to be just that next day that I might have missed all the things I learned in the months we waited.  It is hard living in this transition time, this just trusting the Lord time.  It is hard to sit back and wait for the season you feel you have been preparing for to come.  But sometimes the best fruit comes when it is picked at the right season.

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